Friday, October 1, 2010

The Bus
Ok, so, my bus is ALWAYS really super stuffy and hot. It stinks. There has bee a lot of "goings-on" in that bus lately. First there was a scorpion and everyone was totally FREAKING OUT! It made me laugh soooo hard. It was on a girl's backpack, and when she took it off as she sat down in the seat in front of me the scorpion fell off. None of the girls would put their feet down off the seats. I don't know when they killed it, cause it was hiding for a little while under one of the seats and no one could find it and then it showed up right under my friend (we'll nick-name her Sammy even though that is nothing close to her real name ;) Sammy's feet once the bus had showed up at the school and she wouldn't just step on it! So everyone started filing out of the bus faster than I have EVER seen ANYONE file out of a bus before. Now our bus's mascott is a scorpion and several younger boys have been using rubber scorpions to fake another scorpion on the bus. So yeah, that's the first event in our bus.

The second happened a couple days ago when somebody let off a stink-bomb. At first, everyone was blaming it on the bus driver and him letting out gas. But it smelled like rotten eggs! It was nasty but HILARIOUS!! LoL!! TOOOO funny!!

Today, the bus was late to pick us up to take us home because the bus driver blew a tire. And it was the last day 'till break too! It was fun being the only group of students left on campus waiting for our bus though. We got home at about 5pm. Maybe a little later! But don't be too suprised at the time 'cause our regular last period ends at 4pm. So it took us a long time to finally get home. And the bus was really short and crapy. It wasn't too terribly fun but at least we were able to get back home right on Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

for dinner!


  1. Hey, you could write a book based just on the goings on in your bus! You could be famous.... Nice blog!

  2. lol. man, i didn't even know your bus had blown a tire! wow. i get to find things out on your BLOG. hmmmm.....

  3. Pour scorp. I feel for him. And I hear the screaming girls in my head. WOW.

  4. Your bus adventures sound very interesting. I'd be one of those getting off the bus quickly and I don't know if I could have got back on unless I knew that scorpion was off the bus.
