Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hair Parties Inc.

So my little sistas and I had another hair party and photo shoot! :D It was SO MUCH FUN!!! They are such sweet hearts! Cami, Haley, and Kennedy all came over and I curled their hair. I curled Cami's hair while the other girls watched Mirror Mirror and they almost finished the entire movie in the time it took me to curl her hair. So while their bottoms were probably falling asleep, I was having a blast! And then we took pictures!

Left to right: Cami, Kennedy, Haley

Cami said she was trying to mimic me :) with a pine cone...

I'm not really sure what they were doing to Carlie but I thought it was beautiful.

Carlie thought it was beautiful too...

This is what we call a Hair Party!!

I think this picture pretty much sums up everything about Cami. Happy happy happy little ray of sunshine!!