Sunday, November 16, 2014

Photo Shoot: LIVE TRUE Edition

Last minute hair party yesterday was so fun! :) I love these girls! I apologize for the lack of focus in some of these pictures; our light ran out rapidly…:( But I think we got some good ones! We went with a LIVE TRUE theme this time. Next edition: CHRISTMAS! YESSSSS!!!

Kennedy, this is priceless. Just priceless. :P

This is Kennedy for reals. Cute cute girl! 

This is my favorite picture. I came to this one while I was editing and was overcome with how much I love these sweet girls and how much their Father in Heaven loves them. SO MUCH. They are SUCH a blessing. 

 These were just for kicks. :) We didn't have enough light...

In case you can't tell, this is Cami :)

These two are Haley :)

These two are Kennedy :)