Saturday, June 30, 2012

This is my lovely friend, Sarah. She went to EFY and then stayed in Utah these last couple weeks and I was so sad and lonely. She can play the piano super fantastically and writes her own music and she is super duper funny and I missed her so much all this time! Sarah Emma, you are so lovely and hilarious!
 This is the sweet Allyson. She is so wonderful. She always knows just how to write a letter to make your life brighter! On multiple occasions, she has made me feel so special. Allyson is also a very beautiful singer and can play the guitar and is the sweetest big sister I think I've ever met!
 This is the wonderful Carlison! She is SO fantastic in every way! She is the funnest person ever and whenever a situation may be awkward, she arrives and it's not awkward at all. She is more beautiful than she could ever say! (HA!) I've come to believe she's magic. She is such a great sister and babysitter and is so righteous I could die. I love to imagine random things like christmas decorations at school and trees in our bedrooms with Carlie. I strive to become more like this beautiful girl.
Oh Kyley!! This is Kyley and she is the most hilarious person you will ever meet! I love that whenever I am around her, I can feel like my jokes are actually funny. I laugh so hard every time I hang out with Kyley. One day I laughed so hard and long my stomach genuinely hurt. But it was the funnest day ever! I love talking about mars with Kyley and Allyson because they are under the impression that they are martians. Kyley is such a fantastic person!

And then there's me....trying to keep up with everyone's awesomeness.

I got to spend an amazingly amazing 5 days with these lovely girls and it was the best five days EVER! It was so much fun and as a Stake, it was the most unified feeling I've ever had. As a ward, I am able to feel that same unity every time we meet, which is AMAZING and it's the greatest thing I've ever experienced. I love it.

At Girls Camp we did so much stuff as 4th Years. The first day, we hiked three miles with huge framed backpacks up to camp and were split into groups named for Moroni's different generals. I was in team Gid with Carlie as my YCL and Sarah was also in my group. Our cheer: HOW ARE WE?! We're Giiiiid. It was so fun. The second day we went repelling and crawdad fishing and it was so fun. Sarah has great pictures of her, Carlie and me and well as the other girls in our group repelling. We felt so brave after. Crawdad fishing was disgusting, but it was so fun to hold them. We also went horse back riding that day! We were only walking a short distance from the camp, but it was still fun. I got to ride a paint horse. The third day we went canoeing and cliff jumping. Cliff jumping was, BY FAR, my favorite part of camp! Carlie and I got some awesome battle scars from climbing up to the cliff (Carlie) and hitting the water (me). It was GREAT!! The fourth day we went back to main camp and met up with our wards, and it was so fun! We drove into camp all stuffed into the back of a huge army truck (since our theme was army-styled) holding up our Title of Liberty. It was so fun to see everyone! The Bishops' performance was also hilarious. Bishop Welch and Brother Schlerf, our wards' bishop and second councilor, had awesome wigs and dance moves!

The whole of it was FANTASTIC and I loved it!!
Fourth Year Hike before camp. Sadly, Allyson couldn't come, so my mother took her place last minute as someone took the picture. WE LOVE YOU ALLYSON!!!!


  1. WOAH! You do suuuper cool things at camp!! We hunted for Salamanders in the nasty lake that we had to hike a gazillion miles to get to!!! Still fun :D

  2. Emmaline, it is really funny that you said that YOU have to catch up to MY awesomeness because this whole time I thought I was still catching up with you! :) You rock everyone's socks and are so beautiful and MORE LIGHT THAN YOU EVER SAY!!! HA! Girls camp was so fun, Kyley and Allyson are so funny, I miissed Sarah too, it was like an empty hole was in my heart when I came over. At least you were not gone too. SO MUCH FUN! My favorite part about Girl's Camp was the repelling. I loved it!
