Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dear Homework

Dear Homework,

I would hate your stinkin' guts if you had them. I know you can help me some of the time, but most of the time you are just flat out obnoxious. You look so small and simple, but you're really a big hairy monster ready to attack and eat every second of time I have to spare. "You make me vomit. You're the scuuuum between my toes." (I don't have scum between my toes, just a little FYI) You are the reason I can't take a single day off from school without having to worry about the several hundred hours worth of homework I'm missing out on. Yuck. I hate you. Why do you have to be in my face all the time? You are so ugly. You think you're just so smart just because you can ask all the questions and don't have to do anything. Plus, you're made of paper. Why everyone is having such a hard time figuring out what the reason is for the trees becoming extinct, I will never know. Dearest Homework..........Go die in a dark black hole.


  1. That's where dogs come in handy

  2. LoL! Too bad I don't have one anymore.

  3. Oh emma, my feelings exactly!!!!!!
    (btw, that picture on the side of your blog, the slow melt popsicle? is that REALLY a popsicle?!)

  4. Yes, it is a real popsicle. It was for my science fair project. Gross right?!

  5. it looks like a liquified bouncy ball to me... but that's just me

  6. Dear homework, I already did you when I was in school. Why do you insist on coming back now that I have kids?

    Good luck with your homework! (The worst is the busy work homework)
