Monday, February 14, 2011

V-alentines Day

Ok, so I stayed home from school today (I know..I'm such a naughty child) and I went out to work with horses. I was out there from about... 10:30a.m to about 2:00p.m. I got three horses worked out and one horse's feet done. Without me realizing it, I was getting a really bad sunburn..and I was wearing a v-neck t-shirt. I'll just have you people knowing it's not low at all, but now I have a really bad sunburn in the shape of a V, plus I just won myself a nice farmer's tan. Yuck. So yeah. That was my V-alentines Day. I hope yours was white and snowy, unlike mine. Mine was red and hot, and it's going to be there for quite some time. Thank You for reading.


  1. Ouch! Sorry to hear that you got a sunburn.

  2. oh yikes, I hate sunburns...they burn. XP

  3. i hate sunburns!! hope yours gets better soon!!!
    (p.s. scarf kid.... lol)

  4. I know! and you know the scary part? It's the middle of February!

  5. that is pretty scary, the only way to get sunburn here in provo is to get a heat lamp.

  6. at least you can get out and play in the summer time! here, you totally fry!

  7. sorry, although you can just come over here to provo for the summer.
