Sunday, September 5, 2010

I'm Alive!!! :D

My story is very long. But please read it because it is really awesome and it has to do with horses. I hope you don't find it boring. Here it is:

I work for half my horse-back riding lessons at this place behind the high school my brother is going to and my lesson instructor/teacher person has me go out throughout the week to get the horses worked out and stuff. Well, recently one of her lesson horses passed away and there's another one heading down the same path, so she's trying to get some other horses ready to work in her lessons. One of those horses is a little pony named Shadow.

This little guy has some MAJOR attitude problems. EVERYONE hates this pony. He will attempt and succeed at the following: buck, kick, bite, stomp, rear, and need I say more?? I got him out to lunge him Thursday evening and I had to have a little help from a lady that apparently "has had some words with him." Bless her heart. She was a HUGE blessing that evening because Shadow, "that wretched beast," as she put it, was NOT going to move for me. I tried everything I could think of and he WOULD NOT move forward. She came in the round pen and she raised her arms, whip in hand, said a few naughty words (a lot of naughty words) and the pony complied. That woman was almost as good as my previous instructor. She got that pony to cooperate whether Shadow liked it or not. I was SO grateful.

Here's the "funny" part of the story. My instructor wanted me to RIDE, that's right RIDE, this wretched little beast. The biggest thing I learned from my previous instructor is that if you do not have the respectful attitude on the ground you are not going to get the respect in the saddle. And I only have an hour to get this pony ridden. My thoughts? WONDERFUL. I'm going to die today. This pony hates me and he his most definately going to buck me off and then trample me. I'll make sure and write my will before I ride him tonight. Today is the day I'm going to DIE. "Just believe in yourself" they always say! HA! I wonder how often THAT works out!!

My neighbor, Nikki, and I bProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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h ride horses. Her mom was the one that led me to my present instructor, who is awesome. My neighbor and I go to the stables. I'm nervous out of my mind. Luckily, Nikki had half leased Shadow and had ridden him several times, which made me feel a little more confident because she was there to help me out. I get his tiny tack out, which made me realize that this pony is shorter that I am! My thoughts? What the heck am I scared of!? This pony is TINY! That gave me more confidence. But horse or pony, they've got muscle. I got the pony tacked up. PHEW!! It was a relief Shadow let me put the tack on and didn't bite my fingers off in the process. I had a crop. A little somethin' my instructor told me to have just in case Shadow decided to be a bad little pony. Which he already is...

Now here's the climax of my story (I was about to say "little story" but it's apparent that this story is not little). Cautiously, I put my foot into the iron (I was riding English too! For only the 3rd time!), I was expecting Shadow to bolt toward the huge manure hill just beyond the fence he was facing as soon as I had my foot in. Nope. He just stood there. Like a little bump on a log. Didn't move a muscle. Now I'm on top of the pony and another realization hits me. I'm only three feet off the ground. Oh brother. Again, I ask myself, What am I so afraid of?? Long story short...he was GREAT!! I only used the crop once! And he didn't even attempt to bite me while I was un-tacking him! The moment of triumph!! He's finally in his stall and acting like Thursday didn't ever happen. Isn't that strange? That law by which my beloved instructor in Utah lives by was broken, and everything worked out perfectly. How is this possible? I guess I did leave him standing a while tied to a post while I went to put stuff away Thursday night. What does Clinton Anderson call it again? Something about the horse thinking about what he just learned and letting it sink in. The thinking tree? The tree of thought? Somebody help me out here. Whatever it's called, it worked wonders on Friday. And I'm GLAD FOR IT!!


  1. I love hearing how much you love horses, and hearing how much you are learning about them.

  2. emma. i LOVE your about me section. i LOVE you. i LOVE how much you LOVE life. i LOVE how much you LOVE me.

    my sweet sweet emma.

  3. Cool story. I love the way you were thinking through the fear. And I LOVE short ponies!!!
